Best Safety Tips When Using Utility Knife

November 23, 2021
Best Safety Tips When Using Utility Knife

A utility knife is a tool that most people will use at some point in their lives.

Whether you are making a home improvement, at work, crafting, or just cutting up produce for dinner, utility knives can come in handy.

However, utility knives also have the potential to cause serious injury if not used correctly. Every year thousands of injuries occur from improper use of utility knives.

The manufacturer’s written safety instructions on how to use the device safely should always be followed.

Preventing Injuries Caused by Utility Knives

You can prevent serious injuries by using utility knives and box cutters safely.

Always using the correct tool for the job is especially important for knives and blades. When misused, they cause more disabling injuries than most other hand tools.

When using a utility knife, it is important to be aware of the potential hazards. The most common injuries from using this type of knife are cuts and punctures.

However, there are more severe injuries that a utility knife can cause. Utility knives have been known to cut tendons and lead to amputations and other life-changing injuries such as nerve damage.

Punctures can also occur when the knife is accidentally dropped or falls out of the user’s hands.

These types of injuries can be severe or minor, and should be taken seriously because they have an increased risk of infection.

People who suffer from puncture wounds should seek medical attention immediately to reduce their chances for developing complications such as tetanus or a greater injury.

Basic Knife Rules

No one likes to think about accidents when they are using their hands, but when it comes to the use of a utility knife, safety should be your number one priority. 

There is no need for you to risk injury by having an accident with this kind of tool. Following the safety practices below will help keep you safe while you are in the process of cutting materials.

First and foremost, always keep your utility knife in a safe and secure place. Do not leave it out where children or others can get to it without supervision.

Especially if they aren’t familiar with how the blade works. Ensure that you are cutting on something sturdy like wood rather than glass or tile which could easily break.

Second, always make sure that the blade is completely covered when it’s not in use. Ensure that you have a blade cover on the knife or the blade is retracted.

Third, always keep your fingers away from the cutting edge of the utility knife at all times. You never want to get so close as to cut yourself or someone else who is nearby accidentally.

This could cause an accident! Instead, only use it when your hands are at least 12 inches away from the cutting surface itself.

Fourth, make sure that you never try to cut using any sort of twisting or rotational motion with your wrist.

This is a big mistake that many people end up making and it can often lead to serious accidents like cuts on their wrists themselves! Instead, focus on making straight cuts so that you are not putting yourself in danger.

Fifth, never use your utility knife for purposes other than what it is intended to be used for.

Many people think they can transfer this type of tool over into their household by using them around the house just like a regular old box cutter or kitchen knife, but don’t do it!

You will only end up with an accident on your hands.

Sixth, make sure to keep the utility knife away from electrical cords and other power sources.

This means that you shouldn’t be cutting them or anything around them because this could cause a serious electrocution risk for both yourself and anyone else nearby.

Seventh, always be sure that you are using a sharp and durable blade.

By keeping your utility knife in tip-top shape, this will help to prevent accidents from happening and also increases the overall efficiency of the tool itself.

Cutting Techniques

  • Pull the knife—never push it. Maintain control of the cut and safely angle the cutting surface so you are not cutting directly toward your body.
  • Position your body and other hand a safe distance away from the cutting line.
  • Do not force the blade. If the blade is tearing instead of cutting, it is likely too dull and should be replaced.
  • Always cut in a well-lit area and pay close attention. Never look away or become distracted.
  • If you should drop the knife, let it fall and do not try to catch it.

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