9 Fire Safety Tips For The Workplace

October 8, 2021
Fire Safety Tips for the Workplace

Are you concerned about the safety of your workplace? As a safety manager you should.

Fires are unpredictable and if the workplace isn’t prepared it can lead t disaster. In this quick post, you’ll leanrn 9 fire safety tips you can implement within your organization.

1. Smoke alarms are a must

Install smoke alarms on every level of your building and test them monthly. Smoke alarms can give people an early warning that there is a fire nearby.

A smoke alarm should be placed outside each sleeping area and on every level of the home (including the basement).

Be sure to check fresh batteries at least twice a year or buy new batteries if needed. Test smoke alarms once a month by pushing the “test” button; it will make a loud sound when working properly.

Some homes have interconnected smoke alarms which means all smoke detectors will sound off when only one goes off (these types of systems are often found in high-rise fires).

It is a good idea of a fire safety tip to connect your home security system with the smoke alarms in your house.

2. Cleaning supplies can be a catalyst

Keep cleaning utensils and rags away from heat.

Keep combustible liquids such as gasoline, solvents, and paint thinners in an approved safety storage cabinet away from open flames or other sources of ignition (such as static electricity).

If you have propane tanks outside your house, make sure they are far enough from the building and don’t keep it on wooden surfaces where possible.

3. Electrical Safety tips for the Workplace

Wear rubber-soled shoes while using a drill press or a band saw to reduce the risk of electrical shocks.

When driving screws, use only screws that are approved for the type of electrical panel in your workplace.

Keep metal ladders away from overhead power lines or electrical circuits. Ensure that your work area is properly illuminated and has good electrical connections to prevent tripping while you work.

4. Installation tips for residential appliances

Be sure to switch off all appliances before inserting or removing them from power outlets. Never start a fire by using flammable liquids or gas indoors unless you are burning it for cooking purposes (be careful when doing this).

Do not place combustible items near heaters even if turned off, since they can still ignite after being turned off (and heaters should be placed at least 1 meter/3 feet away from anything combustible).

Ceiling fans should be used with caution, especially if you have children or pets. Make sure to maintain your gas appliances by having them inspected once a year by a qualified technician.

5. Furniture safety tips for the Workplace

Be proactive about furniture safety in offices and other working spaces to prevent accidents from occurring. Your office furniture should meet fire retardant standards (this is an important safety tip).

This includes filing cabinets that are up-to-date, chairs that fit workers properly, desks that are well-built without sharp corners.

If you’re using folding tables at work, make sure they’ve been approved for indoor use and can be safely stacked. Keep area rugs loose so objects won’t fall through the gaps between them (and place them far from heaters and radiators).

6. Kitchen Safety tips for the Workplace

Do not leave cooking food unattended and be sure to turn off the stove before leaving the kitchen.

Be careful when looking at a dish in a microwave oven, as it can damage your eyes if you do so carelessly (this is an important fire safety tip to remember).

Never attempt to rescue foods inside a burning oven since this can make matters worse. Do not use water on grease or electrical fires – it makes things worse, especially if electricity is involved.

7. Fire escape planning

Designate two ways out of each room in case one gets blocked by smoke or fire during a fire – this benefit you greatly in knowing where the exit is.

Practice your escape plan at least twice a year with everyone in the household or workplace to ensure you know what to do in case of an emergency.

This is one of the most important fire safety tips for residential homes and offices since it can save lives if practiced regularly.

8. Vehicle Safety tips

Keep items that produce heat (such as dry ice) away from car batteries, since they can explode when exposed to high temperatures for prolonged periods of time (and keep them stored in an approved container).

Do not smoke while driving, especially if there are flammable materials inside the vehicle (like gasoline). Keep children in age-appropriate car seats according to local laws – failure to do so may result in fines by law enforcement officials.

Always wear your seat belt while driving to avoid hurting yourself in case of an accident.

9. Outdoor Safety tips for the Workplace

Never attempt to extinguish a fire without proper training from a firefighter or other expert, since it can cause injury or death if done improperly.

If you see someone choking on something, administer the Heimlich maneuver immediately to avoid suffocation and potential fatality (another important safety tip).

Keep a bucket full of water with a few drops of dish soap near a hose or faucet – this mixture is capable of putting out most outdoor fires quickly.

Final words

Make sure you have a family evacuation plan in place to ensure everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency.

If there are fire sprinklers inside your office building, be sure not to open the windows as this might disperse water all over if activated during a fire (and remember that you should always stay low and crawl under smoke if possible).

Do avoid panicking as much as possible – it can cause unnecessary commotion that can hinder everyone’s chance of survival. Remember these important safety tips at work and at home for a safer experience!

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